term regters public other help what is
Meaning of other public registers. What is it: Encumbrances and restrictions for parcels are.


Definition other public registers

OTHER PUBLIC REGISTERS title: other public registers (RE) (SAP Library - Glossary)
OTHER PUBLIC REGISTERS category: Real Estate Management (RE)
OTHER PUBLIC REGISTERS explained: Real Estate Management (RE)

Land use management (LUM)

Encumbrances and restrictions for parcels are entered in the land register.In addition to these, there are restrictions that are based on other laws relating to land, but which are not entered in the land register.These restrictions are usually recorded in other registers, such as the easement register.

The types of other public registers are:

Register for site contamination Register for non-hazardous waste on site Register for site protection (such as, protection of natural areas) Register for development planning Easement register

More terms such as other public registers in Dictionary O.

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