open source os/2 operating what is
OSF: Open Software Foundation definition Open-Source License explain OSS: Open Sound Mechanizm what.

Definitions for programmers starting with letter O

  • OSD: Open Source Definition definition Definition by the Open Source Initiative(OSI) to determine whether or not a software license can be considered open source. The definition was based compare
  • OS/2: Operating Mechanizm/2 definition Explain operating system created by Microsoft and IBM, later developed by IBM exclusively. OS/2 is no longer marketed by IBM, and support for OS/2 why
  • Openkore definition What is controlled entity (bot) designed for use with the Ragnarok MMORPG with the intention of automated playing and/or leveling. OpenKore is an how better
  • Openc definition Meaning analyze C++ source code. It uses a metaobject protocol (MOP) to provide services for language extensions when
  • Openbsm definition Abbreviation implementation of Sun's Basic Security Module (BSM) Audit API and file format. BSM, which is a system used for auditing, describes a determines
  • Opentracker definition How to versions of the Tracker and Deskbar desktop management tools for BeOS. The original Tracker and Deskbar were created by Be, Incorporated comparing to
  • OpenGL: Open Graphics Library definition Help standard specification defining a cross-language cross-platform API for writing applications that produce 3D computer graphics (and 2D depends on
  • OLTP: Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) definition Crossword is a class of program that facilitates and manages transaction-oriented applications, typically for data entry and retrieval transaction which
  • Openntpd definition Examples uses the Network Time Protocol to synchronise clocks of computer systems with a reliable and accurate time source. OpenNTPD was developed difference
  • OLE: Object Linking and Embedding definition Encyclopedia technology developed by Microsoft, enables the creation of documents by incorporating elements created using different kinds of software when
  • Open64 definition Information about compiler for Intel Itanium platform. It was released by SGI company and now mostly serves as a research platform for compiler and computer pros and cons
  • Movement Source Open definition Tutorial of the free software movement that advocates open-source software as an alternative label for free software, primarily on pragmatic rather similarities
  • OpenROAD: Open Rapid Object Application Development definition Error Development(OpenROAD) is a 4GL development language which includes a suite of development tools, with built-in IDE, Code Repository how much
  • Look Open definition Answer graphical user interface (GUI) specification developed by Sun Microsystems and AT&T in the early 1990s for UNIX workstations. It had its how many
  • Environment Operating definition Means what environment in which users run programs, whether in a command line interface, such as in MS-DOS, or in a graphical user interface, such as compare
  • Opensolaris definition Description created by Sun Microsystems to build a developer community around the Solaris Operating System technology. The project is aimed at why
  • ORD: Object-Relational Database definition Definition a relational database that allows developers to integrate the database with their own custom data types and methods. The term object how better
  • Database Object definition Explain database in which information is represented in the form of objects. The database management system for an object database is referred to when
  • Schemat Object definition What is model with primitive concepts identity, state, encapsulation, operations/methods, messages, inheritance, polymorphism/overloading. An determines
  • OMG: Object Management Group definition Meaning consortium, originally aimed at setting standards for distributed object-oriented systems, and now focused on modeling (programs, systems comparing to
  • Objectworks definition Abbreviation Objectworks is an object-oriented development environment developed by ParcPlace, available under Smalltalk and C depends on
  • Group Open definition How to consortium that sets vendor- and technology-neutral open standards for computing infrastructure. It was formed when X/Open merged with the which
  • Object definition Help that can be individually selected and manipulated. In computer programming such as object-oriented programming, an object is an individual difference
  • ODBMS: Object Database Management Mechanizm definition Crossword ODBMS), also known as Object Oriented Database Management System (OODBMS), refers to the database management system for an object database when
  • OSS/J: OSS Through Java definition Examples Java (OSS/J) is a kind of middleware to connect different OSS information systems by using Java technologies. The OSS/J initiative has been pros and cons
  • OPS5: Official Production Mechanizm definition Encyclopedia rule-based or production system computer language, notable as the first such language to be used in a successful expert system, the R1/XCON similarities
  • Code Object definition Information about is an intermediate representation of code generated by a compiler after it processes a source code file. Object files contain compact, pre how much
  • OATH: Object-Oriented Abstract Type Hierarchy definition Tutorial Object-oriented Abstract Type Hierarchy (OATH) is a class library for C++ from Texas Instruments how many
  • Pool Object definition Error objects that are kept ready to use, rather than allocated and destroyed on demand. A client of the pool will request an object from the compare
  • OLAP: Online Analytical Processing definition Answer of software that allows for the real-time analysis of data stored in a database. It is an approach to quickly provide the answer to why
  • Outsourcing Open definition Means what movement resulting from the open source movement and the international outsourcing of programming, refers to a practice of making open how better
  • Openbsd definition Description multi-platform BSD-based Unix-like operating system. OpenBSD specialises in security and correctness. Its developers carefully and when
  • Outliner definition Definition that allows the grouping of text in sections that are organized in a tree (hierarchy) of concepts, an outline. Outline tools can be used determines
  • ODNT: Object Desktop Network definition Explain is a software subscription service created by Stardock. Launched in 1995 on OS/2, it transitioned in 1997/98 to the Windows platform comparing to
  • Mapping Sql Object definition What is object-relational mapping(O/RM), is a programming technique that links SQL databases to object-oriented language concepts, creating (in depends on
  • ORB: Object Request Broker definition Meaning in distributed computing, is a piece of middleware software that allows programmers to make program calls from one computer to another, via which
  • OSID: Open Service Interface Definition definition Abbreviation OSIDs) are programmatic interface specifications describing services. These interfaces are specified by the Open Knowledge Initiative (O.K difference
  • OO Language: Object-Oriented Language definition How to is a type of computer programming language that allows or encourages, to some degree, object-oriented programming methods. OO languages can when
  • ORDBMS: Object-Relational Database Management Mechanizm definition Help system (ORDBMS) is a relational database management system that allows developers to integrate the database with their own custom data pros and cons
  • Database Oracle definition Crossword database management system (DBMS) from Oracle, which runs on more than 80 platforms. The Oracle database, the current version of which is similarities
  • Opendoc definition Examples componentry framework standard for compound documents, inspired by the Xerox Star system and intended as an alternative to Microsoft's how much
  • OOP: Object-Oriented Programming definition Encyclopedia computer programming paradigm, in which writing programs in one of a class of programming languages and techniques based on the concept of how many
  • Professional Omnipage definition Information about OmniPage Professional is a software used in conjunction with a scanner, to scan pictures or documents into the computer compare
  • OSS: Open-Source Software definition Tutorial computer software whose source code is available under a copyright license that permits users to study, change, and improve the software why
  • OODBMS: Object Oriented Database Management Mechanizm definition Error System (OODBMS), also known as Object Database Management System (ODBMS), refers to the database management system for an object database how better
  • Od390 definition Answer System (CICS) Web interperter from IBM used for application development involving web interfaces to DB2 tables when
  • ODBC: Open Database Connectivity definition Means what common framework for accessing and altering the contents of databases. It allows developers to use the same coding conventions regardless determines
  • Mechanizm Operating Os definition Description program that manages the hardware and software resources of a computer. The OS performs basic tasks, such as controlling and allocating comparing to
  • OSI: Open Source Initiative definition Definition organization dedicated to promoting open-source software. Open Source Initiative was founded in February 1998 by Bruce Perens and Eric S depends on
  • Source Open definition Explain production and development of software by a public development community(typically volunteers from many organizations) rather than a single which
  • ODA: Open Document Architecture definition What is formerly called Office Document Architecture, is an ISO standard that specifies how documents are represented and transmitted difference
  • O.K.I.: Open Knowledge Initiative definition Meaning is an organization responsible for the specification of software interfaces comprising a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) based on high when
  • OSS: Open Sound Mechanizm definition Abbreviation portable sound interface available in 11 different Unix systems. In the case of the Linux kernel, OSS was the only supported sound system pros and cons
  • License Source Open definition How to license for computer software that makes the source code available under terms that allow for modification and redistribution without similarities
  • OSF: Open Software Foundation definition Help organization to create an open standard for an implementation of the Unix operating system. OSF's standard Unix implementation was how much

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Definition of OSF: Open Software Foundation definition Open-Source License explain OSS: Open Sound Mechanizm what is O.K.I.: Open Knowledge Initiative meaning ODA: Open. description.

What is OSD: Open Source Definition definition OS/2: Operating Mechanizm/2 in programming.